CT Third Party (Vendorship) Requirements for Social Workers

The following are the Connecticut State Department of Education requirements to become certified as a school social worker in Connecticut.

  • Hold a Master’s degree in social work from a school of social work accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.
  • Complete a course of study in special education comprised of not fewer than 36 clock hours, which shall include study in understanding the growth and development of exceptional children, including handicapped and gifted and talented children and children who may require special education, and methods for identifying, planning for and working effectively with special-needs children in the regular classroom. Not required if you received your MSW from an out–of-state school.


Bureau of Certification and Professional Development

Connecticut State Department of Education

P.O. Box 150471 – Room 243

Hartford, Connecticut 06115-0471

Telephone: (860) 713-6969

Fax: (860) 713-7010

Email: teacher.cert@ct.us.  Responses to emails may take two weeks due to the volume of emails received.

The information in this fact sheet is for general information purposes only and is subject to change without notice by the Connecticut State Department of Education. Eligibility determination for certification is made by the State Department of Education.