Licensing Preparation

NASW-CT partners with Social Work Examination Services to provide exam prep training for candidates for the LMSW and LCSW exams. Our chapter has been pleased with the results. Student evaluations of SWES’ License Review Lectures have been uniformly positive and we have received excellent feedback from chapter members who’ve used SWES review books and taken the two-day review course.

SWES Review Lectures are exam prep courses that emphasize a review of major social work content and test preparation.  The course focuses on the direct service questions that represent the core of the actual test. Students learn the content of the national licensing exam, and how to “decode” multiple-choice questions of the type that appear on the licensing exam.

I’m pleased to partner with SWES and recommend it to license candidates. The full schedule is below and at

-Steve Karp

Please contact SWES directly at 800-933-8802 or go to